Term Definition
ACF Academic Clinical Fellow(ship)
ACL Academic Clinical Lecturer
ARCP Annual Review of Competence Progression
BMA  British Medical Association
BMJ  British Medical Journal
CCT  Certificate of Completion of Training
CESR Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration
Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) Learning outcomes for internal medicine
COPmed  Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans
Consultant A senior doctor who takes full responsibility for the clinical care of patients. Most head a team of junior doctors.
CPD  Continuing Professional Development
CS Clinical Supervisor
Deanery UK bodies responsible for the delivery of education and training for doctors
Deanery Reference Number (DRN) An identifier allocated to trainees on core training programmes
DME  Director of Medical Education
EEA  European Economic Area
ES Educational Supervisor
Flexi Training  Working part time
Foundation Programme A two year generic UK programme which forms the bridge between medical school and specialist/general practice training
GMC  General Medical Council
Gold Guide Reference guide for postgraduate specialty training
GP  General Practitioner
HST  Higher Specialty Training
Inter Deanery Transfer (IDT) A process to enable trainees to move between regions
IMT Internal Medicine Training (replaces CMT as of 08/19)
JRCPTB Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board
LAS  Locum Appointment for Service (not a training post)
LAT  Locum Appointment for Training (can count toward CCST)
LTFT Less than full time 
MRCP  Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCP(UK) examinations Diploma and specialty certificate examinations to test skills, knowledge and behaviour 
National Training Number (NTN) Mechanism to identify trainees in dual-CCT and subspecialty training programmes
PYA  Penultimate Year Assessment
RA  Regional Advisor
RCP  Royal College of Physicians
Revalidation An evaluation of a UK doctor's fitness to practice
SAS doctors Staff grade doctors, associate specialists and specialty doctors
SAC  Specialist Advisory Committee
ST  Specialist Training/Trainee
STC  Specialist Training Committee
SuppoRRT Supported return to training
TPD  Training Programme Director
WTE Whole time equivalent (working hours)